Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015. Bring it on...

2015. At the time of this writing, a new year is exactly six hours away. At this same time last “new year,” if I had decided to blog the event, would not have revealed anything different than what I am about to “blog” tonight, December 31, 2014. What I would have written would be that which has erupted from my heart every year for well over a decade. The elusive dreams for a future that seems increasingly out of reach.

A few days ago, I posed a question on Facebook. “If hope is all one has, is hope enough?” I think that it is – hope is enough to keep dreaming. In spite of having no visible signs that the dreams in my heat are viable and worthy of hope, hope hangs on.

I’ve talked about them – the dreams – a lot in the past. In fact, in one way or another, those dreams and the disappointment(s) I’ve felt as a result of not seeing them fulfilled has dominated my writing. Tonight, just hours away from a new year, I want to actually share some of the dreams for which I hope.

I’ve always wanted to write. (You may be thinking that, after reading my blogs over the years, I should hope for something a little more attainable, tongue – in – cheek!) To date, I have completed two projects. One was self – published a few years ago, with the help of a friend. The second is a training guide for a t – shirt project I feel the Lord gave me a long time ago. It needs to be professionally edited. Both, I hope one day, will be published by a major company.

I am currently working on a novel called Salvation in the City. I not only would like this project to be professionally edited and published but someday turned into a screen play and movie.

That’s all, right? No, a 1000 times no! I also believe that when I was in first grade, a vision of sharing the gospel all over the world came to me. Part of the fire in my heart is fueled by a desire to pastor a church. God was so gracious to me and allowed me to pastor three churches. I could write volumes on the mistakes I made but the point is, for this post, that I am convinced that God will one day give me one more chance to lead a group of people that believe they (we) can win the world.

There are so many things I could talk about that I hope a new church would embrace from the Scriptures but there are also things that I hope the church could discard that actually serve to cloak the Gospel. (That part of the “list” will have to be saved for another post!)

Age and its accompanying health concerns seem to be increasingly large barriers to seeing my dreams come to pass, but I defer to my opening lines…

I continue to hope…and for now at least, hope is enough!

2015. Bring it on…