If the foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?
Psalm 11:3 NKJV
(As an introduction, could I point you to my last blog entry? What I said about morality, Christianity and presidential politics is key actually, to what I want to share in this post. I'll repeat my premise just in case you would rather not read my February blog. The President of the United States could not flesh out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and hold that office. Americans should not expect the president to be a truly biblical Christian. BUT! We should expect, in fact, demand, that our president be a moral person. Morality, in spite of post modern ideology, is not found in a subjectivity that constantly moves the base line needed to evaluate objective morality. There are, in spite of our cultural downward spiral, objective moral standards by which we should gauge whether or not a person is fit for public office. That being said, let me share a few more thoughts about the choices we have when we vote for a new POTUS.)
I used Psalm 11:3 as a header for this entry. Unpacking this verse and the context in which it is found is an excellent Bible study but for the sake of this post, I will simply state that regardless of whether one acknowledges objective moral truth or not, the fact remains that the moral fiber of our country has been eaten away. It is not being eaten away, it is gone. Our moral compass has been destroyed primarily because the church has surrendered its authority to temporal, governmental systems which were never supposed to replace a living faith in God and in Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. That surrender has left the church not just in decline but impotent. Darkness has pressed against the church almost with little or, in some cases, no resistance. What chilling principles are revealed in Jesus' Words (from Matthew 6:22-23 NKJV)?
I used Psalm 11:3 as a header for this entry. Unpacking this verse and the context in which it is found is an excellent Bible study but for the sake of this post, I will simply state that regardless of whether one acknowledges objective moral truth or not, the fact remains that the moral fiber of our country has been eaten away. It is not being eaten away, it is gone. Our moral compass has been destroyed primarily because the church has surrendered its authority to temporal, governmental systems which were never supposed to replace a living faith in God and in Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. That surrender has left the church not just in decline but impotent. Darkness has pressed against the church almost with little or, in some cases, no resistance. What chilling principles are revealed in Jesus' Words (from Matthew 6:22-23 NKJV)?
The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye
is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your
whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is
darkness, how great is that darkness!
The church has lost sight of it's offensive role in pressing back against the darkness. Sexual promiscuity (both gay and straight), legalization of marijuana, false religion (Islam and Mormonism to name two), a rise in satanism, and a host of other issues have drained the churches' strength and resolve. And, hence, our nation has paid a horrible price.
As I said earlier, the church has, for generations, left the government at all levels in charge of defining and executing a moral code. Since government was never supposed to be the moral compass to begin with, we are now at a point in our nation's history where a total collapse of values has sent us to the brink of judgement. Listen to what David said in Psalm 9:17 (from the NLT) -
The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate
of all the nations who ignore God.
The blogs that have been written about the "pros" and cons" of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would fill a small library. It goes without saying that the very thought of Hillary Clinton becoming the POTUS is about as unsettling as anything could be. But for the first time in our history, as far as I am aware, a great majority of conservative Americans (and yes, those who would claim to be Christians) are lending their support to one of the most godless, adulterating, lying, hedonistic, arrogant, proud, and otherwise immoral people that one could possibly imagine. All because he says, that he is "going to make America great again."
My message to America (as if I had a national platform) -
It is NOT POSSIBLE that Donald Trump can make America great. Our greatness is and always has been based on our allegiance to God - the God of the Bible! With that allegiance gone, it is preposterous to even consider that a man such as Donald Trump could do anything but drag our nation even further into an abyss of darkness from which there is already no return. To be fair, no one can help us now. But make no mistake about it; Donald Trump is as unfit for the office of President as any human could be.
I understand the reasons (as weak as they are) for voting for Trump. All, or, most of which stem from the desire to keep Hillary from being elected president. For the last twelve years, a conservative vote has not been in genuine support of the conservative candidate but in opposition to the Democrat. That, in an of itself is not only tragic but indicative of the slippery slope we have ridden, now, to it's conclusion.
Regardless of who wins the White House in November - it is simply too late. No one can help us now. No one, that is, but God Himself. But since we have ignored His warning shots across our bow, and in fact, ignored HIM, we have been given over to our lusts. Again, I say, it is just too late.
Judgment is being meted out to us, at this point, in the godless people we now have running for President of the United States.