Hoping for Hope…(Proverbs 13:12)
“This is it?” “This is what it all comes to?…an
enormous world of hope catapulted into the reality of a small world of
accomplishment…but accomplishment it was. Education. Service. The thrill of and
for life brought some degree of satisfaction and, in the beginning, had somehow
painted a picture of more than this….”
Is this what was in her heart?
She was well dressed. And I surmised that she, once a
lady of adequate means, knew of the finer graces that trademarked her
generation. A multi – colored plaid skirt. A once pressed but wrinkled from
wear white blouse. One intentionally well placed sequined hair pin held a
partially combed wisp of hair just above her forehead. Nylon hose wrapped each
leg and ended in neatly tied gray loafers.
Of course, I could not hear her thoughts or know of
her background. We saw her, alone, in a wheel chair, as Gayle and I waited in a
doctor’s office patient lounge. We guessed she was waiting to be picked up from
her appointment and I was waiting for mine.
It was if I could hear her thoughts however. I studied her demeanor;
noticed the hollow sadness in her eyes; and the seeming discontent expressed by
a gaze not connected to anything but time and space which had served to rob her
of dignity and respectability. Perhaps the sadness was accentuated by the
realization that the care she once provided to and for others was now a distant
memory as she was forced by that same thief, time and space, to be the
recipient of care. We were only eight feet apart but it seemed, at least, for
that moment, that we were much closer; almost connected in perhaps painful,
unexplainable ways.
When my appointment with the doctor was over she was
gone from the waiting room. I am sure I will never see her again but that
lonely figure, as I came to realize, spoke much more to my own situation than
she did of her own – at least what I perceived her situation to be. What I
thought I knew of her was merely a series of thoughts based on what I imagined.
What I saw in her and the thoughts that flooded my heart were very real. It was an unsettled voice deep within my own
heart that shouted in silence, “This is it?” “This is the sum – total
of my
Years of service, all be them minimal and provided with
a great sense of awe and gratitude, now lost to memory alone as the trees that
were seemingly barren of fruit did not even provide shade from the scorching
sun of reality under which I found myself.
What had been perceived as a “calling” on my life and
accompanied by frequent reminders that the fulfillment of dreams of just how
that “calling” would manifest itself lay just beyond closed doors. Those doors,
remain securely locked in their place. In sight, but always out of reach. Seen
through shadowy images of what could be but never realized. Chronic illness
robbing not only health and presenting themselves like nails in a coffin. Hopes
and dreams die but until the coffin is shut tight, there is a pathway for those
hopes and dreams to be fulfilled. It seems the lid has shut and nails seem to
be that which prevents the hopes and dreams of and for life from ever seeing the
light of day.
There was one other similarity between the woman I saw
in the doctor’s office. She was alone. She may have a host of friends and
family that were there for her, but for that moment, she was alone. An added
fearful trial when hopes and dreams begin to fade is when one feels they are
alone. Few call, or communicate in other ways, not just to touch base, but to
share the life-giving Word accompanied by prayer. When one has been strong, or, at least appeared to be strong, all of one’s
life, it is probably assumed that even when hopes and dreams begin to fade,
hope, and help is not needed. Nothing could be further from the truth.