Friday, December 18, 2015

Merry Christmas? A Zombie Jesus? Really?


I HAVE to be over thinking all of this. I am, aren't I? But, on the other hand, maybe not...over thinking all of this that is...

Let me start with a verse from the Bible that will help address the questions I posed in the title of this post - (It's from John 1:14)

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" (NKJV).

I'm sure you know this, but this verse from the Gospel of John is talking about Jesus, the Christ; God in the flesh who once walked on the earth with a human body but now lives in Spirit through His body, the church, just as surely as He did when He walked in a physical, temporal body! And, I must add that the biblical Jesus who DOES, IN FACT live in His body, the church, through His Spirit lives in and with the SAME glory He had when the disciples gazed upon Him. 

Beholding His glory...seriously, think about it. BEHOLDING HIS GLORY!

Why, in America, would there be two ridiculous, outrageous, and even dangerous ends of a spectrum that have the issue of the glory of Jesus Christ at their root? Track with me for a minute -

On one end of a "spectrum" society rages against the phrase Merry Christmas because it points to Jesus Christ. Now we can't have that, can we? Whether or not Jesus was or wasn't born on December 25 is not the issue. The issue is that it's pointless to ignore the fact that Christmas IS about Jesus. Just saying "Happy Holidays" does absolutely nothing to erase the point of Christmas being about the first advent of God in flesh coming to abide with us!

Hey world...rage all you want, seriously, it's STILL all about Jesus! 

Like it or not, (and this is why I don't have my comments section available), it is, without question the churches' fault that this controversy has arisen over the last few decades. Intentionally, or, unintentionally, we have conspired to cloak the biblical Jesus by ignoring His Word and rejecting His Spirit. It is really just that simple.

IF we sought out the biblical Jesus and walked in His Spirit and thereby beheld HIS glory, then, without question the world would also SEE HIS GLORY! And let me tell you, when one sees HIS glory, well, there just ain't no question about who the season is about!

And now for the other end of the spectrum...

Have you seen this? Zombie Jesus! (Clickable link!)

Free speech? Are you kidding me? Is this not frightening if not absolutely terrifying? This goes WAY beyond God's prohibition of making graven images. This is taking the very crux of history and the reality of the "Lamb that takes away the sin of the world" and associating Him with something dark, sinister, and evil. Honestly, I would be shaking in my boots to even think of making a zombie jesus, much less actually doing it.

Are you telling me that such a project could so easily be undertaken and displayed in front of thousands of people if Jesus' glory was clearly and unmistakably displayed in the church instead?

This is beyond tragic...

Here's the thing...

There is coming a day, when God's glory, IN JESUS, is going to be revealed in ways that many, who claim to be Christians, will not even be able to believe. EVERY eye is going to see and EVERY tongue is going to confess that HE IS LORD. For those who want to pretend that Christmas is just a holiday and has no connection to Emmanuel, God With Us; and, for those who would dare associate Jesus with evil, their confession will be too little too late... much responsibility will be placed on US if we cloaked Jesus' glory by ignoring God's Word and rejecting His Spirit?

I don't even want to consider the implications.

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