Can a warning be an encouragement? It can, if you take time to not just read my words but hear my heart. I wanted my last post of 2016 to be just that - an urgent warning but also a sincere effort to encourage you to be part of something so much bigger than yourself - God's church!
A Head without a body…
…and the thought that “I do not have to go to church to be a
Christian." I have had countless people tell me that over the years. I would say that choosing to isolate one's self from the Body of Christ would rank at the top of the list of lies fed to us by satan. (Along with lies like, "I don't have to really read the Bible, or share my faith...)
But consider God's Word -
Colossians 1:18 (NKJV)
“And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the
beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the
1 Corinthians 12:27 (NKJV)
“Now you are the body of Christ…”
It is more than likely that you read about the Headless
Horseman in Washington Irving’s short story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at some point in high school or
college. The Horseman’s place in the story or Irving’s story itself is not
important in this blog but I mention it to promote the image of an animate person
without a head – a headless body. But what if one changes the imagery to a
bodiless head? Can you see it? Just a head with eyes, nose, ears, and a mouth
floating around without a body. You can see it, can you not?
If I told you that there was, in fact, a head floating
around without a body, what would you say? To what would or could you point
that would indicate that my proposition was true? Think with me again about the
Scriptures I posted at the top of this blog.
In Colossians chapter one, Paul makes a simple but profound
statement when he declares, by the authority of the Holy Spirit that Jesus
Christ IS the Head of the Body. Next, (not chronologically), Paul states,
again, by the authority of the Holy Spirit that a Christ follower is the body
of Christ. (I have made a “Christ follower” a condition for being in that body
because of what I know of the whole of Scripture.) I also want to remind my
readers that in BOTH cases, Paul was addressing a local body of believers!
OK, so track with me here…
There are well over 300 prophecies of Christ in the OT. Of
course, Jesus fulfills ALL of those 300+ prophecies. So, as HEAD of the church,
it is logical to say that Jesus appears as that Head whenever there are
prophecies that point to Him. But, is he just a “Head” floating through His –
story (History)?
If Jesus the Head of the Church (His Body) is prophesied, would
not Scripture also contain prophesies about His Church? (Of course, those
prophecies would present themselves in types and shadows as those that pointed
to Christ did.) That is a rhetorical question because the answer is a
resounding “YES!”
Do you see where I am going with this?
If Jesus’ Body is as much a part of His – story as He is;
and, if all that Paul said (by the authority of the Holy Spirit) about Jesus
and His body was directed to a local body of believers either directly or
indirectly (as in the case of Timothy for example); and if most of the other
New Testament writers also talked to groups of Christians not just individuals
then how can the case be made that one could be a Christian and not “go to
church” or otherwise be connected to a local body of Christ followers?
There are some other very significant reasons why a Christ follower
must be a contributing and participating member of what has been labeled a “faith
community” in this postmodern era. But whatever you choose to call it…
….you cannot be a Christ follower and reject His body. It’s
really that simple. I doubt you would want to stand before God at the end of
your life and try to explain to Him the reason why you ignored Matthew
28:18-20. I wonder where you will spend eternity if you reject His last
command? (How can disciples be taught all that Jesus taught if one is separated from the Body?)
(Coming to church and
warming a pew or chair does not, unfortunately, qualify as being part of a
Below are some additional Scriptures that also teach the importance of
being part of the church.
Whatever you do, do it quickly. Time is short and again, you
do not want to stand before God having rejected the very essence of His
mission. 2017 could bring us all things we never imagined. Knowing things ABOUT
God’s will is insufficient when He has called us to BE His will. Being is
always more important than knowing. Be prepared for what comes by being part of
His family…your life depends on it.
Supplemental reading:
The Church…
…is a group of people we are commanded to be a part of; but
why? Hebrews 10:24-25
…is a family and being part of it is the way spiritual gifts
are exchanged! Romans 1:9-12
…is the place where mysteries are revealed! Colossians 1:25-26 (NIV)
…is the place where God’s wisdom is revealed! Ephesians
3:10-11 (NIV)
…is the only place we can find the truth! 1Timothy 3:14-15
…was built by Jesus to invade enemy territory and take back
prisoners of war deceived by satan! (Matthew
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