Saturday, December 31, 2016

I don't have to go to church to be a Christian

Can a warning be an encouragement? It can, if you take time to not just read my words but hear my heart. I wanted my last post of 2016 to be just that - an urgent warning but also a sincere effort to encourage you to be part of something so much bigger than yourself - God's church!

A Head without a body…

…and the thought that “I do not have to go to church to be a Christian." I have had countless people tell me that over the years. I would say that choosing to isolate one's self from the Body of Christ would rank at the top of the list of lies fed to us by satan. (Along with lies like, "I don't have to really read the Bible, or share my faith...) 

But consider God's Word - 

Colossians 1:18 (NKJV)

“And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.”

1 Corinthians 12:27 (NKJV)

“Now you are the body of Christ…”

It is more than likely that you read about the Headless Horseman in Washington Irving’s short story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at some point in high school or college. The Horseman’s place in the story or Irving’s story itself is not important in this blog but I mention it to promote the image of an animate person without a head – a headless body. But what if one changes the imagery to a bodiless head? Can you see it? Just a head with eyes, nose, ears, and a mouth floating around without a body. You can see it, can you not?

If I told you that there was, in fact, a head floating around without a body, what would you say? To what would or could you point that would indicate that my proposition was true? Think with me again about the Scriptures I posted at the top of this blog.

In Colossians chapter one, Paul makes a simple but profound statement when he declares, by the authority of the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ IS the Head of the Body. Next, (not chronologically), Paul states, again, by the authority of the Holy Spirit that a Christ follower is the body of Christ. (I have made a “Christ follower” a condition for being in that body because of what I know of the whole of Scripture.) I also want to remind my readers that in BOTH cases, Paul was addressing a local body of believers!

OK, so track with me here…

There are well over 300 prophecies of Christ in the OT. Of course, Jesus fulfills ALL of those 300+ prophecies. So, as HEAD of the church, it is logical to say that Jesus appears as that Head whenever there are prophecies that point to Him. But, is he just a “Head” floating through His – story (History)?

If Jesus the Head of the Church (His Body) is prophesied, would not Scripture also contain prophesies about His Church? (Of course, those prophecies would present themselves in types and shadows as those that pointed to Christ did.) That is a rhetorical question because the answer is a resounding “YES!”

Do you see where I am going with this?

If Jesus’ Body is as much a part of His – story as He is; and, if all that Paul said (by the authority of the Holy Spirit) about Jesus and His body was directed to a local body of believers either directly or indirectly (as in the case of Timothy for example); and if most of the other New Testament writers also talked to groups of Christians not just individuals then how can the case be made that one could be a Christian and not “go to church” or otherwise be connected to a local body of Christ followers?

There are some other very significant reasons why a Christ follower must be a contributing and participating member of what has been labeled a “faith community” in this postmodern era. But whatever you choose to call it…

….you cannot be a Christ follower and reject His body. It’s really that simple. I doubt you would want to stand before God at the end of your life and try to explain to Him the reason why you ignored Matthew 28:18-20. I wonder where you will spend eternity if you reject His last command? (How can disciples be taught all that Jesus taught if one is separated from the Body?)

(Coming to church and warming a pew or chair does not, unfortunately, qualify as being part of a church.)

Below are some additional Scriptures that also teach the importance of being part of the church.

Whatever you do, do it quickly. Time is short and again, you do not want to stand before God having rejected the very essence of His mission. 2017 could bring us all things we never imagined. Knowing things ABOUT God’s will is insufficient when He has called us to BE His will. Being is always more important than knowing. Be prepared for what comes by being part of His family…your life depends on it.

Supplemental reading:

The Church…

…is a group of people we are commanded to be a part of; but why? Hebrews 10:24-25
…is a family and being part of it is the way spiritual gifts are exchanged! Romans 1:9-12
…is the place where mysteries are revealed!  Colossians 1:25-26 (NIV)
…is the place where God’s wisdom is revealed! Ephesians 3:10-11 (NIV)
…is the only place we can find the truth! 1Timothy 3:14-15
…was built by Jesus to invade enemy territory and take back prisoners of war deceived by satan! (Matthew 16:13-19)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Where were YOU when the Lights Went Out?

“Where were you when the lights went out?”

I was just a kid when someone asked me that question. I didn’t “get” the question (as a joke) and replied, “I don’t know, where?” The jokester said, “In the dark.” There were others in the room during this little rhetorical Q & A and everyone laughed. I thought it was clever so I’ve asked the question, “Where were you when the lights went out” to many other unsuspecting folks and usually get to break the “punchline” to them. But what has that to do with Christmas?

Are we in the dark? Is there even a darkness in which one may be engulfed? Is there a light that can overcome darkness? Who is that light, and where may it be seen and experienced? More than two thousand years ago, a few shepherds saw and heard about Jesus from a group of angels. Later, some “Wise Men” saw a light that led them to Jesus. But beyond the angelic heralds and beyond the star that shone so brightly lay a darkness in the hearts of people that demanded a hope rooted in love rather than religion. Hence, Christmas.

This is the first “new” Christmas letter I’ve written since around 1990. My theme in past years has been about the faithfulness of God to His own Word. When we say “Merry Christmas” what we really mean (or should mean) is that God always keeps His promises! He promised to send The Messiah to the world and He did when Jesus was born. If Jesus’ birth was established long before He came, then His Second Advent is also established. If Jesus came once, He will surely come again! (And I believe His Second Coming is imminent.)

The “new” of this Christmas message centers around two worlds. The world in which Jesus was born and ours. What came to me when I asked myself about the conditions of the world over 2000 years ago, prompted another question: If I fail to understand to any greater level the world in which Jesus was born, could that mean that I really have no idea about the true meaning of Christmas? We (as Christians) are fond of the saying "Jesus is the reason for the season." How "cliche - ish" that has become. Even though we cram some religious activities into the holiday season. Some, take an almost militant approach to saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays,"  but in it all we may still miss entirely the magnitude of what it meant and what it means to know the God who invaded history with His perfect, holy, and Divine presence IN THE FLESH. Understanding the reality of “Christmas” necessarily takes us back to the first century and the time in which God chose to send His Son. If we fail to understand the world as it was when Jesus was born, can we fully appreciate the implications of the first advent for our world in our time?

The world, our world, is not too much different or too far removed from the world of first century Israel. The world of the Jew during Jesus time was a time of hopeless despair. The world for the Gentile in the first century was void of light. For all people, it was a time of darkness. Jesus first advent brought a hope to the world that was so great; so revolutionary; so beyond this world that many missed it. When Jesus came, He, single - handedly pierced the darkness with nearly unapproachable light.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the state our country is in. For that matter, I think of our world and the darkness that is pressing in against people of all races, colors, and ethnicities. A few days ago, I began thinking about the world in which Jesus was born. I pondered what I have learned over the years in carefully reading the Bible many times and what I remember from history about Palestine, the Roman Empire and the nation of Israel in the first century.  I began to read some articles on the subject. I found an article by Pastor David Schrock that listed seven elements that comprised the world in which Jesus was born. In many ways, the condition of the “world” in our time and especially that of our country are very similar. Following are abbreviated portions of his article to serve as talking points. Pastor Schrock’s material is italicized. The link to the full web article is at the end of my letter. (The article is excellent! Please take time to read it!)

The World was a dark place. While we think of Christmas as a season of light, the truth is, the birth story of Jesus Christ is filled with darkness.  Anticipating the birth of the Christ child centuries before Mary was great with child, Isaiah writes that the light that was coming into the world, came to a people shrouded in darkness (9:1-7).  Gloom, anguish, and contempt were just some of the adjectives used to describe this darkness. Thus, in order to understand the full revelation of the light which came into the world when Christ was born, we need to recognize the darkness into which our Christ was born. 

First, when Christ was born, the word of God had not been heard for four centuries. If we compare the world that Jesus was born into with today, to what conclusions must we come? Malachi was the last O.T. prophet to receive a message from God. From the time that Malachi rolled up his scroll until Jesus came on the scene as God’s Living Word, 400 years had passed. While we must work a bit to get it, it is possible to understand, at least in part, why Israel rejected Jesus. But we have Christ and His Word in all His fullness and yet we either overlook, or, worse yet, ignore Him. So, which of the time periods might we consider to be the worst? A world without a Word from God for centuries, or, God’s Word revealed and yet ignored?

Second, the people of God were under the oppressive rule of Rome.  We believe we live in what we call a “free country.” We are not under the thumb of a foreign power. But are we really free? Are we chained in servitude to a host of idols that manifest themselves in hedonistic, humanistic, and materialistic pleasures? Is even the church out of touch with the common elements that bring God’s people to dynamic mission? Have we traded liberty for license? License is doing what we want when we want. Liberty is having the power to do what is right.

Third, the nation of Israel was fracturing. Does that have a familiar ring to it? Could America be more divided? Splintered? What did Jesus say or do that provided a balm for the brokenness that plagued His people in the first century? What does He provide for us today? 

Fourth, the birth of Jesus came through a virgin.  Christ followers universally believe in the “Virgin Birth” of Jesus. But it wasn’t so for Mary, Joseph, and their contemporaries. At first, Joseph was faced with a monumental struggle. He needed to protect his honor and that of his betrothed. It took a Divine dream to untangle the knot in which Joseph was entwined. But what of today. With pluralism eating away at a commitment to absolute truth and with Jesus being at the center of controversy which gives way to the slide into alarming levels of subjectivity, has the Virgin Birth become as problematic today as it was then?

Fifth, the census was a considerable imposition. Joseph and Mary had to travel about four days to get to Bethlehem from Nazareth to obey the new census law. And yet, they made the journey. Today, most folks won’t travel four miles in a heated/air conditioned car with cruise control to be counted part of the Body of Christ.

Sixth, the poverty of Mary and Joseph did not fit the royal son they had.  Not only were the conditions leading up to Christ’s birth dark, so too was his birth.  Luke 2:7 records that there was “no place for them in the inn.”  This is probably because it was filled up with travelers coming for the census; but it may also be the case that Joseph, a carpenter by trade, did not have the means to pay for or to pay extra for a room.  Money talks, right?  But it is clear, that Joseph had no bargaining power.  Mary and Joseph went to the stable, where Jesus was born and laid in a manger.  Without family or hospitality, darkness surrounded them.  Today, images of a new born baby, “wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger” are still replete for Christians who try to keep Jesus as “the reason for the season.” And while the King of Kings and Lord of Lords did come into the world stripped of His majesty, He is NO LONGER a baby in a manger. He IS literally OUR King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We should no longer have a euphoric and perhaps even romantic image of The Messiah as a baby. When we see Him, we will see Him as He is.

Seventh, through the hostile forces of Herod, Satan tried to kill Jesus.  Poverty was not the only source of darkness; persecution followed Jesus’ birth, so that he was constantly under threat. Jesus is now beyond danger. His resurrection from the dead has placed Him at the Father’s right hand as He ever intercedes for us. Satan cannot touch Jesus but, he is busy trying to touch us. But his schemes fall to the ground rendered powerless by the Blood of the Lamb and the testimony of those who have been covered in that blood.

Darkness is everywhere in Christ’s birth, which should not come as a surprise when we think of the prophecies in the Old Testament and the conditions of the world that God created.  As John 1 says, “The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world, . . . yet the world did not know him.”

Remembering that the light of Christ came in the darkness of night gives us hope that God can still pour light into our hearts and shine light into our lives.  No matter how dark it may be, no matter where the darkness comes from, God is the light who enlightens everyone, and has come to take up residence in the lives of those who look to Christ.

This Christmas, I am going to spend much time in learning about and reflecting on the world in which Jesus was born. I am going to think about and meditate on my world. I am going to seek ways to speak about this Jesus who brought hope, light, and peace to a world far removed from mine and yet, is here, now. today, in my place and time to do as He did then...

Jesus...He REALLY IS the "Reason for the Season."

May YOU be blessed this Christmas season with a renewed vision of the One who came, died, rose from the dead and will soon come again.

(Italicized material taken from David Schrock’s article. The weblink to that article is below.)

Read Pastor David's Blog Here

Friday, July 29, 2016

A "Call to Ministry!"

Luke 4 (NKJV)

16 So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. 17 And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; 
19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

" preach the gospel..."

I think I was seventeen. I may have been eighteen when I made an appointment to speak with my pastor, Billy T. Ball, to talk about "going into the ministry." I started working in the churches' bus ministry as soon as I got my driver's license. I had worked in Vacation Bible Schools since I was fourteen or so.  When I was sixteen and seventeen I volunteered as a summer church camp counselor. I began to understand the burden I had for the youth that God placed in my life in various situations (one of which was becoming an assistant manager of a fast food chain at sixteen). I loved kids even though I was still a "kid" myself. I felt like I had a place in God's Kingdom working with youth.

I had also had two distinctly divine encounters with the Lord during this time in my life, both of which seemed to provide me with the tools to finally articulate what I felt in my heart. Trying to sort out the burdens for specific people, the draw to reach out to them, and exactly what it was I felt God "calling" me to do was a challenge that I needed help to face. So, as I said, I made an appointment to talk about the strong feelings I had in my heart. 

Billy T. (as we called him, which, was a heartfelt term of endearment) looked up over his half reading glasses and after a couple of silent and very uncomfortable minutes, he simply said, "What's on your mind?"

With my heart pounding, I managed to squeak a few words about feeling God's call on my life. I finally summarized the whirlwind of emotion with, "Bro. Ball, I feel God is calling me to youth ministry."

Again, there was a deafening few moments of silence, and again, he peered at me over the top of his half glasses. Finally, a smile spread over his face and said, "There's no such thing."

I wondered if I'd heard correctly. So, I think I said something like, "I'm not sure I understand..." (By this time I was quaking in my shoes!) 

He simply repeated what he had said before, "There is no such thing as being called to youth ministry." As my pastor in whom I had the greatest confidence explained what he meant, I not only felt at ease, but knew in my heart that what he spoke was absolutely true. 

In a few short minutes, Bro. Ball taught me that God  calls people to proclaim His Word. That's what ministry is. There are a myriad of reasons why this is so but speaking to my original query, he simply told me that my call was to proclaim the gospel. If that proclamation was made to a group of teens, that was fine, but that I should be always ready to proclaim the gospel to whomever and wherever the opportunity arose. I left that meeting with a new understanding of God's will, my purpose in life, and how I would accomplish that which God had called me to. It was liberating to say the least. That short but poignant conversation was one of the sparks that would eventually set my whole being on fire. 

Over the years as I studied the prophets, particularly Jeremiah; and, as I studied the New Testament which (obviously) gives us detailed information about Jesus and how He fleshed out His call, I found absolutely nothing that would even hint that what my pastor had told me about ministry was not true. I have served the church in nearly every possible "ministry" and in every instance, without exception, proclaiming the gospel has been the root and foundation of it all. 

There is no such things as specialized ministry. It's a bird that doesn't exist. There is no such thing as being "called" to youth ministry or music, Christian education, or any other ministry to an exclusive group or segment of the church. There is one calling, made possible by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and that is, 

" preach the gospel..."

The next time you hear someone say "I've been called to the ministry," ask them, first, if they have been anointed by the same Spirit that anointed Jesus. Next, ask them if they have been anointed to preach the gospel. 

That's all you have to ask, and there's nothing you have to do except to pray that the Holy Spirit would given them heartburn just like the disciples in Luke 24.

Friday, June 10, 2016

As in the days of Noah...

Matthew 24:36 - 39

36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, 
so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

If you have followed my "blogs" for any number of years, you have no doubt come across the many posts I have written regarding Jesus' return. Some time ago, I shared here what I believe are vital truths revealed in the Parable of the Fig Tree in this same chapter (Matthew 24). Countless persons have written countless pieces regarding all that is contained in Matthew twenty - four and twenty - five. While it would probably be helpful if I re - posted what I believe is revealed in the Fig Tree Parable so that a contextual backdrop could more precisely convey what I want to share in this post, I will allow you, my reader to review those points. 

(I also always feel compelled to say that I understand the variance in doctrines and opinions that exist regarding Jesus' return. I make no effort to defend my position, only to state it. It is up to each believer/Christ follower to search the Scriptures (diligently) for answers to one of the most important questions mankind could entertain.)

In this post, I want to focus on one statement that Jesus made in response to the questions the disciples asked at the beginning of the chapter. I have the verses from which the statement comes at the top of this post. Here's the statement:

But as the days of Noah were, 
so also will the coming of the Son of Man be

Jesus does give two things that people did in the days of Noah that caused them to miss getting on board the ark. He assigned those same things to the time of His return. (People were eating and drinking; marrying and giving in marriage.) However, here are some things that need to be considered.

1. People have always been scurrying about consumed by self interest. Was there a deeper and more catastrophic issue that affected those who failed to be saved in the ark? I say there is. That "deeper and more catastrophic issue" is simply that everyone except Noah and his family ignored God's Word. Think of that "word" as a promise. It was not a happy, positive promise that caused people to look forward to the event with joy and excitement but it was a promise nonetheless. God said, "I am going to destroy the world with a flood." Proof of the pending fulfillment of the promise was in the ark itself. But, people were too busy with their own lives; they had grown so far away from God that His Word meant nothing; and, they did not believe He would keep His promise and destroy the world.

2. So it is today. God has said that there would be another day of great judgment only this day will be the end of all things. No rain, no boat, no saving of animals, no flood; just the end of all things. The same deeper and more catastrophic issue engulfs our world today as it did in the days of Noah. The most frightening fact however, at least for Americans and others who claim to be "Christians" in Western Culture do not believe that God will keep His promise to return. Even believers are scurrying about engulfed in self interest. There is at least one unique issue that is engrained in Western societies, (Americans included) that those in Noah's day did not contend with. That is that hope is being placed in political figures and governmental systems. 

3. I ask you, my reader; can YOU present a case for Christ's coming? It is folly to think that Jesus did not give us signs of His return. The day and hour, no, no one knows, but the "time," a resounding YES. What part does Islam play in this unfolding drama that will result in the dropping of the final curtain of history. Is the greatest deception that any politician could perpetrate on a nation that which claims that they (he or she in this case) can solve the "Radical Terror" problem being faced now by the whole world. There is NO one, be it POTUS, a Supreme Court, a Congress or Senate; no Prime Minister or Parliament, NO coalition of military forces, NO shift in ideology or change in terms used to describe the enemy is going to stop the clock from ticking and the fast approach of Jesus' return. 

Throughout history, God has used pagan armies to bring judgment on his people. Philistia, Assyria, Babylon, the Medes and Persians, Greece, Rome, name a few. Are there parallels that also should be considering when we see God's judgment approaching? I'll let you answer that. But, I ask again, does Islam play a part in the judgment of America and in the signs of the times just before Jesus' return. With eight to ten million Muslims here as citizens, is there cause for concern? You'll have to figure that out.

There is one more parallel when talking about "the days of Noah." Just as Noah prepared an ark whereby people could be saved from God's wrath; so is there a boat of safety today. Only this "boat" is not made of gopher wood. This boat is the life and safety of the new birth provided in, by, and through Jesus Christ. Are YOU on board? Regardless of what comes in the days, weeks, and months ahead are you safe in the knowledge that you belong to Him? Have you repented of your wickedness perpetrated by your own self interest and have you experienced the new birth? 

The end is coming. Are you ready? Whether you believe that or not, well...just as the people who watched Noah build the ark, you'll have to decide. But know this. There will come a day when the door will be shut and it will be too late. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

R & R Guaranteed! (A Recipe for Revival!)

A Recipe for Revival - Guaranteed!

The Promse:

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; 
and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, 
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8 NKJV).

The Premise:

What if we really believed what Jesus said? I'm sure there is a name for a literary device that explains something simply by repeating it. I have to repeat Acts 1:8 to help explain how I think a sweeping revival would come if we believed that - 

we would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us -

so that -

we would be witnesses to Christ in...

...witnesses where? Well, Jesus told the disciples that they would be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth because that's where they lived. 

Since we don't live in Jerusalem, Judea, or anywhere near Samaria, how would WE fulfill this command/promise? Where is OUR Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the end of the earth?

Where do YOU live? Gayle and I live in a small town in Southwest Ohio called Springboro. If the commands and promises found in Scripture are relevant for every generation then Jesus is telling me that the Holy Spirit would come upon me so that "I" could be His witness in Springboro (my Jerusalem); in Ohio (my Judea); in the U.S., and to the end of the earth. We read that and affirm the fulfillment of that promise/command because we know that after the twelve disciples had tarried in Jerusalem with quite a number of other believers, the Holy Spirit did come just as Jesus said He would. Within days, thousands of new Christ - followers were added to the Kingdom. Our faith, literally, is a product of the twelve disciples obeying Jesus and following His step - by - step procedure for taking the Gospel into all the world. 

While we can imagine a lot of grand and glorious things, if we're honest, we have trouble believing that an entire community could be reached with the Gospel, much less moving beyond our city to our "Judeas" or "Samarias." But, I know of a way...

I mean, it's no big secret or new revelation. It is however, something that would require surrendering our desire to preserve our tribal rules and customs. In other words, we would have to trust God to work in HIS church through HIS Spirit and HIS Word and move beyond the walls that divide God's people. Let me explain how I believe this would result in an unbelievable move of God in my "Jerusalem" and yours!

What about the public school(s) in your community?

More than likely, if you're reading this, you know that I am a substitute school teacher. I just finished my third (2015/16) school year. If we're even relatively close, you probably also know the intense burden I've had for one particular local school district (because I felt like the Lord placed this burden on me in March, 2015). I began to pray for and work towards a revival in this district. It is after I started praying with an unusual passion for this school that I began hearing things at every school in which I served as a substitute.

I began to hear students in every school talk about their church and/or some related activity. I know, this isn't an earth shattering piece of it?

Then, it hit me! While I can and I think should apply Jesus' command/promise in the first chapter of Acts literally, for myself, the context tells us that Jesus was speaking to the first disciples. By the time they made it to that upper room there were 120 assembled (Acts 1:15). Of course we know that it was the witness of that 120 that spread like "wild fire" and resulted in thousands being saved in just a few days. So, Jesus told the disciples, and He's telling us that we are not supposed to fulfill Acts 1:8 alone, we're supposed to do this together!

Realistically, can your church win the whole of your "Jerusalem?" And yet, that is our command. How could the Gospel spread throughout a community rapidly? Bear with me and let me get back to the students in your local school who attend a church. Let's play what if? This will connect the dots and actually spark a revival in your area - in your "Jerusalem."

What if, you and a group of folks from your church (youth included) drove through the parking lots of all the churches in your neighborhood and asked the Lord to anoint the lips of the ministers in that church, What if you and a group of others prayed that the pastors, youth ministers, Sunday school teachers, small group leaders - all of the communicators of the Gospel would haven an anointing on their lives like never before?

What if the group from your church also began to pray for the students who attend that church? What if you prayed that God would open their hearts to His Word just like He did Lydia's in Acts 16? What if you kept praying this audacious prayer until God answered those prayers because it is His will and He said whatever we ask in His name, according to His will, He would answer...

What if?

Can you see how that would work? Can you see that praying that all ministers would communicate God's Word with power and that the students who hear God's word would receive it, would bear much fruit and result in revival because our schools would be set on fire.

There are at least four reasons why I think this simple recipe for revival isn't used -

1. We fear anything happening outside our tribe because we wouldn't be able to control it.
2. We want our tribe to control it so that we would get the glory.
3. We don't really trust God to work in HIS church to achieve His goals because we have a preconceived notion about how God's work should be done, and
4. We simply don't have the time and are unwilling to pay the price for widespread revival.

Do we love our kids? I mean, do we REALLY love them? Do we want them to be saved? Do we want our schools to be set free from sex, drugs, and an ever increasing level of violence not seen in any past generation? Could 25, 100, 500 kids be set on fire with a passion for Jesus and His Word. Could life transformation come to an entire school district? Would that revival spill out into an entire community and to surrounding communities? Would THAT revival extend to the end of the earth?

Jesus said that it would...

What on earth are we waiting for?

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Make NO mistake! The foundations ARE destroyed!

If the foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?

Psalm 11:3 NKJV

(As an introduction, could I point you to my last blog entry? What I said about morality, Christianity and presidential politics is key actually, to what I want to share in this post. I'll repeat my premise just in case you would rather not read my February blog. The President of the United States could not flesh out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and hold that office. Americans should not expect the president to be a truly biblical Christian. BUT! We should expect, in fact, demand, that our president be a moral person. Morality, in spite of post modern ideology, is not found in a subjectivity that constantly moves the base line needed to evaluate objective morality. There are, in spite of our cultural downward spiral, objective moral standards by which we should gauge whether or not a person is fit for public office. That being said, let me share a few more thoughts about the choices we have when we vote for a new POTUS.)

I used Psalm 11:3 as a header for this entry. Unpacking this verse and the context in which it is found is an excellent Bible study but for the sake of this post, I will simply state that regardless of whether one acknowledges objective moral truth or not, the fact remains that the moral fiber of our country has been eaten away. It is  not being eaten away, it is gone. Our moral compass has been destroyed primarily because the church has surrendered its authority to temporal, governmental systems which were never supposed to replace a living faith in God and in Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. That surrender has left the church not just in decline but impotent. Darkness has pressed against the church almost with little or, in some cases, no resistance. What chilling principles are revealed in Jesus' Words (from Matthew 6:22-23 NKJV)? 

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

The church has lost sight of it's offensive role in pressing back against the darkness. Sexual promiscuity (both gay and straight), legalization of marijuana, false religion (Islam and Mormonism to name two), a rise in satanism, and a host of other issues have drained the churches' strength and resolve. And, hence, our nation has paid a horrible price.

As I said earlier, the church has, for generations, left the government at all levels in charge of defining and executing a moral code. Since government was never supposed to be the moral compass to begin with, we are now at a point in our nation's history where a total collapse of values has sent us to the brink of judgement. Listen to what David said in Psalm 9:17 (from the NLT) -

The wicked will go down to the grave. This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God.

The blogs that have been written about the "pros" and cons" of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would fill a small library. It goes without saying that the very thought of Hillary Clinton becoming the POTUS is about as unsettling as anything could be.  But for the first time in our history, as far as I am aware, a great majority of conservative Americans (and yes, those who would claim to be Christians) are lending their support to one of the most godless, adulterating, lying, hedonistic, arrogant, proud, and otherwise immoral people that one could possibly imagine. All because he says, that he is "going to make America great again."

My message to America (as if I had a national platform) -

It is NOT POSSIBLE that Donald Trump can make America great. Our greatness is and always has been based on our allegiance to God - the God of the Bible! With that allegiance gone, it is preposterous to even consider that a man such as Donald Trump could do anything but drag our nation even further into an abyss of darkness from which there is already no return. To be fair, no one can help us now. But make no mistake about it; Donald Trump is as unfit for the office of President as any human could be. 

I understand the reasons (as weak as they are) for voting for Trump. All, or, most of which stem from the desire to keep Hillary from being elected president. For the last twelve years, a conservative vote has not been in genuine support of the conservative candidate but in opposition to the Democrat. That, in an of itself is not only tragic but indicative of the slippery slope we have ridden, now, to it's conclusion. 

Regardless of who wins the White House in November - it is simply too late. No one can help us now. No one, that is, but God Himself. But since we have ignored His warning shots across our bow, and in fact, ignored HIM, we have been given over to our lusts. Again, I say, it is just too late. 

Judgment is being meted out to us, at this point, in the godless people we now have running for President of the United States.    

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Morality, Christianity, Presidential Politics, and Government

Warning...I do understand the nature and complexity of the topics/issues I am writing about. I am going to write about them anyway. (I know..."complex topics and issues have never stopped me from writing before!) The prompt for this blog has been and is the race for the White House. Straight up, I find no fault really in the process. Democracy, American style, has been and continues to be one of the world's greatest social experiments. The jury is still out about its success even after nearly 240 years. Conversely, I find the persons who are IN that process and competing for what is perhaps arguably still the most powerful job in the world absolutely, without exception, despicable and even unconscionable. I find no redeeming value in ANY of the power hungry deceivers who will, as most before them, do anything to win...I repeat, anything. 

I also understand that I am making broad generalizations about those who are still in the race and that my disgust encroaches on character judgment. So be it. I suppose if I could sit down with each person individually over a cup of McCafe coffee (MUCH better than Starbucks, btw!) and talk about the weather, jobs, our kids, our favorite movies, songs, and books...if we even dared venture into the realms of religion and politics; and if there were no cameras or news crews around, there could be some earnest, sincere, and even positive exchanges. By our second or third coffee refills, we may even come to the place where we liked each other. But these conditions do not exist. As it is, every one running for the office of POTUS is bent on doing whatever it takes and saying whatever must be said to sit in the Oval Office. 

I write today to perhaps serve a warning to those who would rally around one candidate or another with false hopes of "their" man or woman fixing what's wrong with America. There is an offense taking place. The worst offenders? People who have some claim to belief in God with a mostly benign knowledge of someone they identify as Jesus who, they think, is just the chief of their 'religion.' It is this desire for some ONE to fix things combined with the push to find the most evangelical candidate that has, as never before, clouded if not cloaked the true message of the biblical Jesus found in Scripture (from Genesis to Revelation), otherwise known as "The Gospel." 

I am sorry that I am into my fourth paragraph and have not stated my thesis. Having a minor in English has not kept me inside the guidelines of a well written piece considering that the thesis needs to appear in the first paragraph of a piece and even more preferably in the first few sentences. I am also sorry that my penchant for self indulgence while at the key board has brought you this far without long last...

1. It IS possible to be moral outside of even a hint of Christian thought or active, practical "Christian" application.
2. Christianity must be defined and applied (fleshed out) directly from the Scriptures with, to a large degree, an attachment to orthodoxy.
3. It is highly UNLIKELY if not impossible for anyone seeking the presidency to practice their faith according to all that Jesus Himself demands. 
And, 4. What is the role of secular, temporal government. 

To address the first part of the thesis requires an honest and veritable understanding of the source of morality and subsequently the display of that same morality - 

Humans are born with a sense of right and wrong, which, translates into an inherent moral code or compass. We know this from the story of the creation for starters. I understand that this flies in the face of modern and post - modern thought. I won't take the time to define them here but I am fairly certain that the terms, Tabula Rasa and Innatism have been part of your Western dilemma for some time. The debates that have risen on school, college, and university campuses concerning the opposing ideas of a "blank slate" and "born - with" have at times been intense. The debate has spawned a very necessary and disciplined defense of biblical faith and practice called Apologetics. The Moral Argument builds a case for the existence of God in three parts - 

1. If God does not exist, then objective moral values do not exist.
2. Objective moral values exist, so,
3. God exists.

The moral argument along with the cosmological, teleological, and ontological arguments for God's existence are, as I said, important for the public arena in a godless, post - modern society. Having listed them, my intent has not been to enter into an apologetic exercise. Discussing this discipline and building a case for inherent moral codes and compasses using solid but philosophical apologetic devises is not my intent and does not serve the theses brought about by the political dilemma that has prompted the post to begin with. 

I will make a simple declaration. Objective moral values are not only based on God's law - The Ten Commandments but also in God's design. All humans are born with at least a partial awareness of God's law in general and those that directly affect life in any society in particular. (Do not lie, steal, covet, do not murder or commit adultery and the respect of parents) provide restraints for what otherwise would be anarchy. Yes, one's conscience can be seared from and by a complete disregard for that which humanity knows is necessary for a healthy society and culture. The six commands I listed necessarily point to the other four. Admittedly however, those four are, or, at least could be arbitrarily interpreted and influenced by social and cultural contexts. Romans 1:18 - 2:15 teaches us that included in a general revelation of God is the knowledge of morality. (General revelation should not be confused with special revelation which is another matter not pertaining to my theses.)

How does this highly philosophical thought process pertain to the 2016 presidential contest? What we as Americans should seek in our next president is a solid and undeniable foundation built on the moral code implanted in us by God. We, for the most part, are mistakenly seeking a candidate who seems to articulate the most Christian set of values. What the candidate espouses however, is morality, NOT Christianity. Here is the judgment. To equate an inherent set of moral values with biblical Christianity is a dangerous misunderstanding of both. The candidates running for president are vagrant, lying, charlatans. Their ONLY motivation for talking about Christianity is to woo unsuspecting voters who would more than likely not be able to define the term they use to describe themselves - evangelicals. I am painfully aware that most if not all of those running for president make the public claim to be Christian. There is however, a great problem with their declarations. 

2. So, what is a Christian? At the risk of over simplification, a Christian is everything the Bible says it is. The Bible, unfortunately for those who use the Bible as a tool to promote their own agendas also tells us what a Christian is not. There are over 31,000 verses in the Bible. For the sake of this part of my "thesis" let me share with you four sets. (All from the NKJV)

a. Matthew 4:19; Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.

How presumptuous it would be to contribute any commentary to this short statement from Jesus, except to say that "Follow Me" is not a suggestion. The command is followed by Jesus' intent for all those who respond to His command. (There are no options for alternative mission endeavors.)

Since this is a universal command and an all encompassing agenda for the Christ follower, then every presidential candidate who professes a relationship with Jesus should be directly involved in fulfilling the next set of verses with everyone God has placed in their path. Has there been any news of a presidential candidate sharing the Gospel with their aides, those of the media who travel with them, or, even with those who are also running for office - with the express intent on either winning them to a genuine faith and trust in Christ, or, to disciple them into a deeper walk with God. say, "Woody, that is totally and completely unreasonable..." My point exactly.

b. Matthew 28:18-20; And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Again, how much commentary would it take to dilute the purity of the declaration, command, and promise all included in some of Jesus' last words. How many candidates running for president have stated that what they will do their first day in office is to seek wisdom and guidance from THE ONE who has ALL authority in heaven...oh...lest we forget that Jesus also has ALL authority ON EARTH? Is it dangerous for a human to arrogantly declare "If I am elected president, "I" am going to do this and that..." Really? If the respective candidates are in fact Christians, why would not part of their mission as a Christ following president be a passion to make disciples as The One with ALL authority commanded? Could it be that they have no clue what Jesus commands? Is THAT alone the reason they cannot or will not teach others everything that Jesus' commanded. Can one share what one does not have? Can one teach what one does not know? say, "But Woody, how can you expect a president of the United States to actually flesh that out?" I say, "You can expect that if you have one set of principles to which a Christ follower would adhere. As it stands, there are TWO sets of principles. One that is biblical and anointed, the other is designed by those who want to use the Gospel for personal gain much like Simon the Magician."

c. 1 John 2:3-6; Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

Is commentary necessary? Would questions better serve the identification of a dilemma presented by these words of John in relationship to the presidential candidates who so flippantly and ignorantly profess to know Christ? Do they keep Jesus' commands? Are His commands arbitrary and subjective? Is not love THE qualifier for whether or not one does in fact "...keep His commands...?"

Do the candidates walk as Jesus walked? Would that command from John include studying the sacred texts as Jesus did? Would that not entail praying as Jesus prayed? Would declaring that Jesus is the only way to God not be part of the testimony of a true, born again believer? If the antitheses of any (or all) of those points is the actual reality, is not the "spirit of anti - Christ" in play rather than the Holy Spirit? (And please, PLEASE do not associate my reference to "the spirit of anti - Christ" with a pronouncement of some false end time scenario!)

d. James 3:11; Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?

Can the accusatory, slanderous speech, and the engagement of willful defamation of character, one against the other be fresh and bitter water flowing from the fountain of the heart? That is a rhetorical question because the answer is unequivocally no! 


So, to address the third part of my thesis I would say that it is not possible for a BIBLICAL Christ - follower who fleshes out the Word of God, literally, to be president of the United States. But, is that what one would even want? A more appropriate question is this; Is it necessary for the leader of a secular (temporal) country to be "Christian?" Aren't  the most important attributes of the leader of an entire nation simply a well defined sense of morality and the courage to live within the constraints of the moral code given by God?

That brings us to the fourth and final part of my thesis. The role of government. The best place to piece together what the Bible has to say about civil government and our responsibility TO that government is found in Romans 13:1-7. The Bible separates (divides) the role(s) of civil government ruled by secular leaders, who by the way are appointed by God (Acts 17), and HIS government - the Kingdom of God ruled by THE KING! So, technically, (and perhaps even ironically) there IS to be a separation of Church and state. If you do a web search for "the biblical role of government," you will find over 16,000,000 pages of information. I "clicked" on the first five. There are some excellent articles that discuss the subject from a wide range of points of view. I will quote one section from S. Michael Houdmann's site, "Got Questions." 

"Whether the Bible uses the terms “master,” “ruler,” “government,” or any other name for an established authority, the instruction is always the same – obey. We must remember that God created the authorities ruling over us just as He created us. As Paul wrote to the Romans, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves” (Romans 13:1-2). Peter wrote, “Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right” (1 Peter 2:13-14). Both Peter and Paul also remind slaves repeatedly to be obedient to their masters for the same reasons (Ephesians 6:5-8; Colossians 3:22-25; 1 Timothy 6:1-2; 1 Peter 2:18-20; Titus 2:9-11)."

So what does all this mean for us as Christians?

1. We should absolutely vote! For what candidate? I can't tell you that. I can tell you that morality should and MUST be an issue and a contributing factor in our decision.

2. Christianity, as it is defined in and by Scripture and exemplified by Jesus and the First Century Church, should not be THE issue because no one running for office does anything but give lip service to God which is about as close to an abomination as one could get. 

3. It is not only unreasonable but unbiblical to expect civil government, in all it's branches, to assume the role of the church. The government protects our civil and temporal interests. That's it...

4. As for our leaders, we get what we deserve. When we ourselves have adopted a form of religion designed by and for our own lusts and preconceptions, we can't expect our leaders to take us down any road but that of destruction and judgment.

The next time you're tempted to pay homage to "your candidate" because he (or she?) makes a public profession of some sort of faith in God and who flies into a church or two for a photo op; and, who says, "God bless the United States of America," you should pause to figure out what "god" they're talking about. Their "god" is revealed in and by their lust for power.

What is the hope of America? Jesus Christ and His Word. What is the hope FOR America? That we, who say we believe turn to Him, repent, and cry out for deliverance.