Friday, June 10, 2016

As in the days of Noah...

Matthew 24:36 - 39

36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, 
so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

If you have followed my "blogs" for any number of years, you have no doubt come across the many posts I have written regarding Jesus' return. Some time ago, I shared here what I believe are vital truths revealed in the Parable of the Fig Tree in this same chapter (Matthew 24). Countless persons have written countless pieces regarding all that is contained in Matthew twenty - four and twenty - five. While it would probably be helpful if I re - posted what I believe is revealed in the Fig Tree Parable so that a contextual backdrop could more precisely convey what I want to share in this post, I will allow you, my reader to review those points. 

(I also always feel compelled to say that I understand the variance in doctrines and opinions that exist regarding Jesus' return. I make no effort to defend my position, only to state it. It is up to each believer/Christ follower to search the Scriptures (diligently) for answers to one of the most important questions mankind could entertain.)

In this post, I want to focus on one statement that Jesus made in response to the questions the disciples asked at the beginning of the chapter. I have the verses from which the statement comes at the top of this post. Here's the statement:

But as the days of Noah were, 
so also will the coming of the Son of Man be

Jesus does give two things that people did in the days of Noah that caused them to miss getting on board the ark. He assigned those same things to the time of His return. (People were eating and drinking; marrying and giving in marriage.) However, here are some things that need to be considered.

1. People have always been scurrying about consumed by self interest. Was there a deeper and more catastrophic issue that affected those who failed to be saved in the ark? I say there is. That "deeper and more catastrophic issue" is simply that everyone except Noah and his family ignored God's Word. Think of that "word" as a promise. It was not a happy, positive promise that caused people to look forward to the event with joy and excitement but it was a promise nonetheless. God said, "I am going to destroy the world with a flood." Proof of the pending fulfillment of the promise was in the ark itself. But, people were too busy with their own lives; they had grown so far away from God that His Word meant nothing; and, they did not believe He would keep His promise and destroy the world.

2. So it is today. God has said that there would be another day of great judgment only this day will be the end of all things. No rain, no boat, no saving of animals, no flood; just the end of all things. The same deeper and more catastrophic issue engulfs our world today as it did in the days of Noah. The most frightening fact however, at least for Americans and others who claim to be "Christians" in Western Culture do not believe that God will keep His promise to return. Even believers are scurrying about engulfed in self interest. There is at least one unique issue that is engrained in Western societies, (Americans included) that those in Noah's day did not contend with. That is that hope is being placed in political figures and governmental systems. 

3. I ask you, my reader; can YOU present a case for Christ's coming? It is folly to think that Jesus did not give us signs of His return. The day and hour, no, no one knows, but the "time," a resounding YES. What part does Islam play in this unfolding drama that will result in the dropping of the final curtain of history. Is the greatest deception that any politician could perpetrate on a nation that which claims that they (he or she in this case) can solve the "Radical Terror" problem being faced now by the whole world. There is NO one, be it POTUS, a Supreme Court, a Congress or Senate; no Prime Minister or Parliament, NO coalition of military forces, NO shift in ideology or change in terms used to describe the enemy is going to stop the clock from ticking and the fast approach of Jesus' return. 

Throughout history, God has used pagan armies to bring judgment on his people. Philistia, Assyria, Babylon, the Medes and Persians, Greece, Rome, name a few. Are there parallels that also should be considering when we see God's judgment approaching? I'll let you answer that. But, I ask again, does Islam play a part in the judgment of America and in the signs of the times just before Jesus' return. With eight to ten million Muslims here as citizens, is there cause for concern? You'll have to figure that out.

There is one more parallel when talking about "the days of Noah." Just as Noah prepared an ark whereby people could be saved from God's wrath; so is there a boat of safety today. Only this "boat" is not made of gopher wood. This boat is the life and safety of the new birth provided in, by, and through Jesus Christ. Are YOU on board? Regardless of what comes in the days, weeks, and months ahead are you safe in the knowledge that you belong to Him? Have you repented of your wickedness perpetrated by your own self interest and have you experienced the new birth? 

The end is coming. Are you ready? Whether you believe that or not, well...just as the people who watched Noah build the ark, you'll have to decide. But know this. There will come a day when the door will be shut and it will be too late. 

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